St Mary has had a very chequered history, falling into disrepair, being closed, and then restored and
re-opened several times
– the last in 1905.
It was declared redundant in 1971. It was then used until 1984 as the HQ for the Friends of Norwich Churches – a body which existed alongside NHCT – then became a craft and design centre. It was next used by a publishing services company, and then an internet book-seller until October 2022.
Work here has included installing a kitchen in the north transept (used by the craft centre for its café), WCs in the ground floor of the tower, with a room above accessed by a wooden staircase. The publisher installed two immense curtains across the chancel arch in an effort to reduce heating bills.
NHCT is currently carrying out repairs, and while it is currently vacant, we are in discussion with a potential future tenant for their use of the space.